May “first” goals

Trying to stay on track with making and reaching manageable monthly goals!

For May:

  • Start getting to the lake at least once a week
  • Get back on the meal planning train… (since it can be fast and cheap…)  right?
  • Haircuts for all four of us
  • Complete 33 Days to Morning Glory and make the Marian Consecration on May 31

Also these posts are helpful to remind myself about these:

Goals for the year

No more library finesPay down debt and build up savings
Take at least one trip with just the four of us
Complete one sewing project each month
Keep up with Holy Hour and frequent Confession
Start reading chapter books with Clara
Run a 5K and 10K
Sprout seeds and plant a garden
(re)organize the house, room by room

So I can keep working on those little things…

Progress report?

So far, we have kept library fines under $1… hope it stays that way!
Finances always need work but our tax return helped! Yay for lots of dependent children and family tax breaks.
We booked camping sites for this summer, so far 4 camping trips (with friends or family) so we still need to set aside time for a little mini vay-cay just the 4 of us.
Sewing has fallen by the wayside except for my sisters wedding project. oops.
Holy Hour has been such a gift. Usually Brian and I make it together and turn it into a date night by going out for coffee or dinner or sometimes groceries afterward, but it’s been great. Confession needs more attention (shaking my fist at you, Saturday afternoons!)
Black Beauty has been started (after trying a few others)
Running might be tossed for pregnancy
Carrot and Sunflower seeds have been planted and sprouted.
And a few rooms have been organized. so yay!


About Amy

Wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, Godmother, all those good things any many more. Crafter, extrovert, life-long-learner just for the fun of it, when my 4 little (and not so little) babies give me the chance for anything beyond keeping them fed and clean and our lives relatively calm and peaceful.
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3 Responses to May “first” goals

  1. callherhappy says:

    I love all of these! Especially keeping up with Confession. I need to do that too!


  2. Hannah says:

    You’re doing so great! last year I was in the same boat trying to start running again…right when we found out we were pregnant. I gave up for obvious reasons too! 🙂


  3. Pingback: June First – Catch up, Goals, and Accomplishments! | All For Heavens Sake

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