Currently doing Quick Takes

I can’t remember the last time I did a quick takes post. So I thought I would combine a currently prompt post as well as Link up with Kelly 7QT and came up with:

  1. Listening to Clara talk to herself as she’s drawing behind me. I remember looking forward so much to when she would talk, and people warning me that they reach a point where you hope they sometime take a break from talking, and yes, so true.
    2016-06-08 09.51.53
  2. Waiting for someone to offer to cook dinner. I can’t believe it has to be cooked every. single. day.
  3. Praying  for all the people suffering around me, there has been a number of losses around me lately, a stillborn baby of a friend of mine, another friend’s brother killed in a motorcycle accident, an acquaintance whose son took his own life, and just today our tenant was headed to a funeral as well, among others.
  4. Enjoying the kids being outside so much more during the day and evenings
    2016-06-04 13.51.07
  5. Grateful for new neighbors with a 3 year old boy and brand new baby, who the kids love to play with and we are making friends and play at the park or in our yards together. Being friends with neighbors, literal next door neighbors, used to be the norm and now tragically it’s such a rarity, but SUCH a gift when it happens.

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    playing in their yard with their sprinkler

  6. Craving all food. even trying to be slightly aware of eating better just makes me so hungry. all the time. for all the junk 😦 Luckily there’s none in the house or else.

    national donut day or whatever the fake holiday was

    national donut day or whatever the fake holiday was

  7. Feeling exhausted. we still have interrupted nights (Hugh nursing and clara needing someone to take her to the bathroom, Tessas a dream.) and all to often late nights and early mornings combined with that. So it’s been rough and I am tired. Also the effects of removing Hugh’s soother are still being felt, he doesn’t just fall asleep, instead he acts up and receives so many time outs he usually crashes asleep during one of them on the floor.

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    taken through the crack under Hugh’s bedroom door one naptime

There’s a little bit of what has been happening around here lately. Check out Kelly and the other Quick Takes for some great stuff! Hope you have a great weekend!


About Amy

Wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, Godmother, all those good things any many more. Crafter, extrovert, life-long-learner just for the fun of it, when my 4 little (and not so little) babies give me the chance for anything beyond keeping them fed and clean and our lives relatively calm and peaceful.
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2 Responses to Currently doing Quick Takes

  1. Beth Anne says:

    HA There is an entire website all about “fake” food holidays. I only know because I do the social media for the restaurant I work at and it’s one of the things I learned about in an ebook I was reading about food holidays.


  2. Catherine says:

    That last photo? EXACTLY what’s been happening at nap time here, too!


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