Happy 2nd Birthday ClaraBear!

In honour of today being the feast of St. Clare, I am making sure to get this post finished and published!

July 17th was Clara’s 2nd Birthday!



That morning we had blue pancakes and strawberries to celebrate. She was so happy to be “TOOOO” finally and was pretty good at telling people how old she is now, although she cant quite do the “bunny ears” two fingers thing, and still tells people her name is “me” if they ask.

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She cooperated for a few minutes of picture taking, and then ran off…

We celebrated with her God-parents on the actual birthday, but waited a few weeks to celebrate with family until a bunch of aunties came to town at the end of the month, and then had a super simple back yard party with her aunts and uncles, grandparents and great gramma who live in town.


Very simple, dollar store party supplies. Easiest menu I could think of, (Pasta salad and brats on the grill) with some pink lemonade… doesn’t take much for a two year old.

photo 3 (4)photo 4 (5)

Aunty Rosie made her a tutu, and Aunty Katie had brought her maracas from Mexico. photo 1 (4)photo 2 (6)

On the right are yellow princess shoes… so adorable, I remember loving those as a little girl so I am glad she finally has a pair.

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Brian and I gave her a tea set, (an unbreakable one this time… important parenting lesson) so tea parties will be coming up… and with that, “PREZZIES!” replaced what had previously been her favourite part of birthdays “POP POPS!”

photo 2 (5)These cake pops were relatively simple to make, I had some extra candy coating from easter so I used that, but they were a BIG BIG hit with the little ones.

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The rest of us had cupcakes from a box. not as delicious, but chocolatey whatcha gonna do.

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This inflatable fish from aunty “May-May” was a big hit… its a bit much to stuff in the car for a trip to the beach but she liked it.

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All around, she is a wonderful little girl, a fantastic big sister, and such a joy in our lives! photo 4 (4)

Her little personality is so much fun to get to know. She is a fast learner and inquisitive. She picks up new concepts like to “borrow” and what first, second, third mean, I am surprised every day by things she knows and words she tries to say. photo 4 (6)

She is such a big help with her little brother and her cousin “Daybie-Pap-rik” and is ecstatic every morning to see them and cover them both in kisses. photo 2 (7)

There have been quite a few adventures in her two years so far, camping, travelling, road trips. And all the people she has met and family she has spread around the world – she thinks of you and prays for you, by name, daily!
photo 1 (5)We love you so much Clara! Tomorrow (Aug 12) on your baptismal anniversary day, we will be praying for you!



About Amy

Wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, Godmother, all those good things any many more. Crafter, extrovert, life-long-learner just for the fun of it, when my 4 little (and not so little) babies give me the chance for anything beyond keeping them fed and clean and our lives relatively calm and peaceful.
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