January in a Coconut Shell 

[A short quick update that isnt actually super short? Or is it? I can’t tell from this silly phone!]
I really want to write more but the desktop computer we bought turned out to be a total dud and I avoid it at all costs unless absolutely necessary. And so far blogging hasn’t seemed necessary. Phone written posts are so hard to proof read and edit so forgive me if there are terrible auto corrected words all over the place. 

We took the kids to the mall today so they could spend the lucky dollars they got from Chinese New Year and Hugh had a few other dollars from his birthday. No luck finding the double Lego minifig scabbard at the Lego store, so they settled on some jelly beans and he got a race car at a cute toy and games shop.

It’s gotten cold again. But in a desperate effort to avoid cabin fever we walked to the mail box (correction, I walked) the way there was a cheery IGStories worthy moment of cuteness and the way home (in total about 14 minutes) was a tear filled, dragging, running away, nearly frost bitten exercize in humiliation. So, it just goes to show that no, it’s not worth it in the cold. 

A bunch of peg doll swaps are in the works again, so a crowd of naked angry Judases (‘s?) are stating back at me. 

Hugh had his 3rd birthday. It was very low key but we also celebrated the week before with his cousin who is a week older and they had a lovely Batman and other super hero’s party of wild little kid fun 

^^this is the worst photoshop ever.

It was also my 30th birthday

Which was also quite low key. Clara decorated this cake for me with a pattern of chocolate chips that turned into a gun in the middle. Not sure what to make of that but it tasted very good. 

Brian and I did escape for 2 nights away alone in the mountains. It was magical and full of sleeping and eating uninterrupted. 

Clara wrote this alphabet and I am so proud of her. She’s getting so grown up in many ways and more and more dramatic and exuberant every day. 

Huey is adorable and hilarious and almost always in a costume or underware or both. 

Unrelated but this from our road trip. I had to pry this milkshake out of her (very) cold fists. She loved it so much. I had to even out the cute kid pictures and include one of everyone 


Baby #4  due August 16

Yes. Apparently that was a first trimester blog silence, again. Oops. Although I was probably more suprised than you maybe, I didn’t clue in that anything was going in til I was 8 weeks along, so apparently I felt pretty good, about the same as an exhausted mom dealing with sick kids over Christmas expects to feel. 

I’m feeling  pretty good now, still generally exhausted and probably should write lots more updates. 

And excitement alert… More potential twin cousins in store! My sister (the one who had her little boy 7 days before I had Hugh) is also expecting and due….. The day after me…! What??? Yeah crazy. Unplanned I swear. 

About Amy

Wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, Godmother, all those good things any many more. Crafter, extrovert, life-long-learner just for the fun of it, when my 4 little (and not so little) babies give me the chance for anything beyond keeping them fed and clean and our lives relatively calm and peaceful.
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8 Responses to January in a Coconut Shell 

  1. Jill Moroney says:

    What good news and you got over the 6 week blahs. Emma says she is out of the woods too. How about Evy expecting before both of you. Wow 3 more great grands. Thankyou for your part!!!
    I love your blogs and know what you are doing week to week . You really keep the children involved and interested.
    I’ll try to get to see you all when I get back from Edmonton after checking the GG’s there. Peter. Gabriel, Cyrion Hannah and Julian. Do try to get a little rest if you can honey, wish you could bank it for later!!!.
    Love grammaxxoo


  2. Jill Moroney says:

    Good post did my comment get posted? Loved the blog


  3. Lauren says:

    Wow, what excitement! First, you wrote that whole blog on a smartphone?! You’re incredible! Second, -3 degree temperatures, and you went outside?!?? AHH! It’s been so warm this winter (especially moving farther south than before), so I just.cannot.imagine. Third, your baby girl is getting so big!! And fourth, congratulations!!! Thrilled for you!


  4. Hannah Gokie says:

    So excited to hear about baby 4. 🙂


  5. I was definitely suspicious with the blogging silence, ha! Congrats again 🙂 That pic of Tessa with the death grip on the milkshake is adorable! And that is seriously awesome how close you and your sister keep having babies!!


  6. Hannah S. says:

    Love recap posts from you guys! The kiddos sure are getting big! What’s Tessa up to these days? She’s so big now! Congrats on your august baby!

    I’m hoping to do a saint peg doll swap with my church group. Any tips or suggestions?


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