Currently. Sick kids, new Tech, Same old complaints

So every once in awhile Hannah posts one of these and I just shamelessly copy it because I would never think of doing it all on my own.  And when its been awhile since a thoughtful blog post and there is so much and so little in my mind all at the same time, it seems like a good way to get the ball rolling.

So here is whats going on with me, currently:

Thankful: That we finally pulled a lever and bought a real desktop computer. It was a bit of a stretch to save for it and make it happen, but we were using hand-me-down laptops since college and it finally reached the frustration max and I am so glad we did.  And I finally have a printer! just give me a laminator and I will be unstoppable!
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Yes that’s a laptop, a desktop, an old iphone playing a persicope and my own phone taking the picture. Multitasking!
I have a few weeks before our peg doll swaps so I am trying to get them all painted. On the left is how far I have gotten with my St. Thomas Aquinas, and on the right is the little “St. Dot” that Clara did all on her own! I am so proud!
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Sewing: Nothing, see above… As soon as they are all painted there are definitely some things I have in mind to get started with.
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But now that I have given it to her, I can show you the table runner that I quilted for my sister Anne – made from left over fabric from her wedding centerpieces.
Listening to: I rarely listen to music, but I have been listening to some audio books while I am doing things – I just finished Little Women on Librivox and now started Pride and Prejudice and The Little Princess. I need to get back into listening to podcasts. I really haven’t listened to music in over a month… I should figure out why Spoitify wont let me sign on and fix that.
Watching: we are re watching The Office and Parks and Rec. It’s almost more fun to watch the second time around.  I also PVR some shows from EWTN and watch them while I fold laundry, I love the guests on Life on the Rock.
Reading: Not much. I finished “reading” (listening to) Little Women, and other than that just blogs and news. Some good thoughts from other bloggers this week are Elizabeth discussing living from home and Jen sharing great ideas to get more into the Rosary. 
Feeling: Exhausted from taking care of kids who have been sick for a week. My grandfathers funeral was last Wednesday and we went to that but then skipped out all the activities the rest of the week because Hugh had a cold, and hes just passed it to the other kids, and me, and stayed sick. It’s hard for me to stay home all day, but its best for them and I don’t want to infect others, and its draining to care for them all day and then all night with many extra wake ups and night nursings for Hugh and Tessa, and lots of grumpiness all day and night, from everyone.
Wearing: My PP uniform rotation of 3 outfits I like.
Realizing: Something I had considered a horribly annoying technicality is actually a cross and I should accept it and bear it patiently.
Praying: Half way through a Novena to Our Lady Undoer of Knots, and that is definitely related to the above realization. It has been wonderful to pray along with all the lovely friends I have made through the Catholic Women’s Periscope group on Facebook. And we are always happy to have more people join us!
Disliking: The Lenten things I took on, and the fact that I am so bad at completing relatively “easy” things.
Wanting: Candy. see above.
Cheering for: My husband who is working so hard and bearing so much with patience and generosity! And my mom who is embarking on 8 day silent spiritual exercises.
2016-02-27 10.13.46
Hes just the best.

About Amy

Wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, Godmother, all those good things any many more. Crafter, extrovert, life-long-learner just for the fun of it, when my 4 little (and not so little) babies give me the chance for anything beyond keeping them fed and clean and our lives relatively calm and peaceful.
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3 Responses to Currently. Sick kids, new Tech, Same old complaints

  1. theresabreslin says:

    Ha! I thought about copying Hannah too! You are on fire with the peg dolls!


  2. kjillmoroney says:

    Amy .   You are so creative doing some quilting now after sewing Tessa’s baptismal gown and the little peg dolls are so cute.As soon as I can get over this bronchitis  I will come over but I’ll wait til your kids are better tooLove Grammaxxoo 

    Sent from my Samsung device


  3. Hannah says:

    Teehee! I usually do one after I see someone else do it, or run across it on my blog of an older post…copying is the best! They’re a nice quick way to get a bunch of stuff written. And I still love that table runner!


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