Coffee Date {Round 2}

My first time doing a post like this was lots of fun and perfectly unorganized and unprofessional and a brain dump, so its time again for:

What I Would Talk to You About if we were Sitting Together at a Coffee Shop

I have finally decided that I will share my 3 birth birth stories on the blog. I have written most of all three children’s birth stories, but never shared any of them because I just keep waffling between it being something so private, but also such a key moment in my life. Birth stories are just an odd genre of writing, aren’t they? Loved and hated… anyway that will be coming up, fair warning, I want to link them up with Theresa and her Birth Story Linkup, and there is still 13 days, so think about adding yours! Think of it as a public service, we have a long way to go to replace the encyclopedia of birth stories that Grace had, so get to work!

The other thing that was holding me back from the daunting PUBLISH button was the possibility that some great-uncle or former professor or boss or something might be reading it. Although I rarely get embarrassed in real life, in my imaginary life (where professors might be taking the time to read about my babies deliveries) I get imaginary-embarrassed much more easily. So, if you are my mechanic or confessor or someone who I would probably not share this story with over a cup of tea, than just pretend in real life that you never read it, and we will be all good. right?

On a completely unrelated topic, Bonnie (and others) have planned a conference! And I have to say, this looks wonderful! So many bloggers I love putting it on, in a generally central location? I think? affordable tickets! yay! And the tickets are on sale right now the conference is 27 weeks away!

I felt like with Edel they sold the tickets at the most pregnancy-travel-planning-impossible time (about 40 weeks before the conference) and some of their speakers and even coordinator and MC were due on or around the date of the Conference. Ooops #Catholicmomprobs  Anyway for this one it looks like the same problem probably won’t come up. Anyway I have talked to my husband about going, still a little up in the air but its a possibility and one I am really excited about and the real question is who wants to be my roommate?!

Ok, SO RANDOM, but music suggestions. non advent, non christmass, just random. This one because it is hilarious, I came across this song on a spotify playlist, and thought some homeschoolers could totally use this to expand their curriculum. Always good to think outside the box balks (or Bachs?)

And this girl was a periscope discovery (for me) and I asked my sister who is 17 whether I was WAY behind the times or by some miracle (called fluke) actually ahead of the trend and she said Ahead!!! So you heard it here first, up and comer Ruth B. 

I like her song 2 poor kids better, but it seems its not on youtube, it is on Spotify, so if you have that look her album and listen.

Ok I will go back to being totally behind the curve on all things now. I have had my moment.

The kids and I put up our tree today. We had picked up one at Ikea last night and it was basically a frozen log, so I knew it would need some time to relax and spread its branches out, lets hope that happens because right now it looks like:

2015-12-16 11.29.07

Not so attractive! But hopefully in a day or two it will be ready to decorate. It really needs to get more Christmassy around here, Advent it all good and all but Christmas is even better and I liked what this article had to say about not being the White Witch which I didn’t realize it but maybe I was being by accident. We’ve built lots of good Advent traditions, so now time to intentionally build up some good family Christmas traditions.

We tried going to look at lights a few times this week. One was a major fail…. The rail road decorates a train in lights and it goes across the country stopping in sities and towns for a little free concert and light show, anyway we tried to go to a town near here since we were going to be visiting my sister when it came to our city. The roads were horrible and foggy (never happens here, its always 0% humidity!) and we were late, so late, missed the train, the kids were asleep and I had to wake them to see the lights and they were grumpy, it was freezing, there was a power outage so 95% of the lights were off anyway annnnnd yeah. We went for pizza at like 9 pm before driving home to try to redeem the evening.

Last night was better, a HUGH Equestrian competition grounds that gets decked out, you stay in your car and just drive through and the kids loved it. 2015-12-15 19.05.54 2015-12-15 19.09.57 2015-12-15 19.08.54 2015-12-15 19.10.40

Its huge, and awesome. And I saved the clear pictures for Instagram.

And I wanted to add more about our weekend to visit my sister and such but that will have to be for another day!



About Amy

Wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, Godmother, all those good things any many more. Crafter, extrovert, life-long-learner just for the fun of it, when my 4 little (and not so little) babies give me the chance for anything beyond keeping them fed and clean and our lives relatively calm and peaceful.
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7 Responses to Coffee Date {Round 2}

  1. theresabreslin says:

    1- I am SUPER excited to read your birth stories! 2- I think I am going to the Finding Your Fiat Conference!! It’s just a short drive for me 🙂 i would dieeeeee if I got to see you there!!


  2. Tara says:

    Yay! You are a birthing champ so I can’t wait to read them! I think my tmi radar has been gone for a long time (read: since my first baby) because kinda don’t care who reads mine….That’s probably not a good thing right? HAHA


  3. Hannah says:

    I have a wedding shower to go to/host that weekend in June but you should go and tell me how much fun it is!!! Also, please please please write all your birth stories because I am a birth story junkie. 🙂


  4. Ughh all these conferences keep lining up with my due dates! Or with other once-in-a-lifetime events, like my high school reunion last year. So frustrating.

    And yay, birth stories! I’ve actually been thinking about FINALLY writing Chase’s but C-sections are never as exciting as a natural delivery….so I don’t know. We’ll see. Looking forward to reading yours!


  5. Beth Anne says:

    I remember seeing that conference and it looks awesome but alas it is the same weekend my cousin is getting married. I was in talks with a girl that wanted to do one in the south in Florida but she never got back to me and then she moved to Virginia. I’d love to host one where I live but not sure if anyone would come.


  6. Lauren says:

    I hadn’t thought about the timing of tickets for those events, but you are so right, lol. You would think the organizers would have figured that out by now!


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